Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Laughter O' laughter where did you flee
From people's inner selves and hearts and eyes
All people, you and them and me
And all those well concealed in disguise

Laughter O' laughter where did you flee
How can they laugh, if they know not to cry
In joy, and smile when melancholy?
A bird can't pretend to know not to fly

Laughter O' laughter where did you flee
I entrust my soul into your hands
Whenever my mind drowns in misery
And wanders away to unheard-of lands

Laughter O' laughter where did you flee
I seek to reflect; you are my mirror
Not fairest of all I am, I agree
Alas its me, not you that stays unclear

Laughter O' laughter where did you flee
You render simple my obscure ways
But now I'm blind or I cannot see
Through the never ending mysterious haze

Laughter O' laughter where did you flee
Without you, I've many tales of regret
Chained I am not, but still I'm not free
To pass by my past and then to forget

Laughter O' laughter where did you flee
After the tempest, my spirit shall rise
After you've had the last laugh on me
Like love that blossoms after the goodbyes

Laughter O' laughter where did you flee
Like me are you too lost in the wilderness
Of sly smiles and grins and howls of glee?
Are you too seeking togetherness?

Laughter O' laughter where did you flee
I beg of you to come back to me
I'm left with just fleeting glimpses of me
Laughter O' laughter where did you flee

1 comment:

Shilpa Sekhar said...

So true.. Laughter has indeed disappeared from our lives..