Saturday, May 13, 2006

When wheels acquire wings

Where are those uncountable miles
Dotted with sparkling sunny smiles
The sights of fields, the splendid hills
Glittering rivers and lofty wind-mills
Multitudes of people, the varied songs and dance
The wonderstruck moments and ideas of romance
The journeys filled with life up to the brim
The anonymous voices that still draw you within
Where are those times when we indulged ourselves
And discovered traits of our unseen selves
Where do the trepid hours disappear
As the flying machines take to the air
Roaring and soaring at higher altitudes
Ushering new meanings to sublime solitude
Though unchanged the destinations remain
The fleeting sojourn is not the same
Far removed is the sense of wondering
From unabashed joy that new sightings bring
The fascinating gypsies that merrily sing
As tireless rolling gives way to gliding
And the colossal turn into tiny little things
When wheels acquire wings

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